Magnus Custom Launch Control Device (PRO DRAG Slipper valve)
*THIS DRAG Launch / Slipper Clutch valve IS NOT THE OFF THE SHELF VERSION*
In stock - Ships Today if ordered by 5pm EST
DRAG Slipper valve: Everybody who has been racing long enough knows that dropping the clutch is a sure way to be picking up a whole lot of parts at the starting line, not to mention making you inconsistent as a drag racer.
The Launch Control Device was originally developed by 9sec9 and after seeing its success, we decided to give it a try in our race car. We were extremely impressed with how well it worked! What the device did was relieve all the effort that was needed to properly slip the clutch. This allowed us to be a lot more consistent and make it through a number of events in one piece. The adjust ability in the Device allowed us to adjust the amount of slip needed as conditions changed based on track and weather. This kept us consistent and more focused on driving the race car.
The built in line lock is used only when launching the car. It is bypassed when you are off the 2-step button so there is no clutch slippage between gear changes.
Installation tips
A mighty vac must be used in order to bleed the device correctly. Bleed the LCD with the switch on and with the switch off multiple times until device it is free of air and functioning like a normal clutch when not energized.